The last three weeks have been very difficult ones... Mom's stroke, influenza for the whole family, a sinus infection, and then the stomach flu and VERy dreary cold days. As Janie loves to sing, "I feel blohooooooo, blohooooo, blohooohooo, I'm so blue I don't know what to do (Madame Blueberry)
Anyway, after going to church by myself Sunday night, I walked in to the dining room to the sound of many giggles. Upon further inspection, and to my absolute horror, Sam stood there bald! Nathan thought it would "cheer" me up to give Sam a buzz cut. Needless to say, I was not cheered up at all, and when the girls saw how upset I was, they declared that they too didn't like it - Nathan accused them of being traitors, and we all had a good laugh.
It's been a few days, and I think it is actually starting to grow on me!
I'm sorry! There's nothing worse than watching and waiting with great anticipation for your child's hair to grow then to have it all chopped off. I totally understand. Soren has butchered Karis' hair twice! I cried the second time to see my beautiful daughter with a choppy, short 'do. But he's beautiful nonetheless.
He looks cute! Can't wait to see him in person.
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