Specimen A: Mommy's lipstick
Sam walked into Nevi's room with my back turned towards him saying, "Beeg Mess Mommy!" I turned around to this face. Why do I leave my lipstick just lying around? That's where the first dining room chair comes into play. He was trying to get the candy from the pumpkin on top of the buffet by moving the chair over, and he got side tracked by my tube of lipstick.

He got so excited, why go all the way around the hill to get back up? He just took off up the hill, lost both his shoes in the mud, but there was no stopping him from going back down that slide. It took two adults to get him unstuck, and me down at the bottom laughing and shooting pictures. What could I do??? I was holding sweet Nevi...
Specimen C: The Tootsie Roll