With much anticipation, the first day of school finally arrived! Janie was a proud kindergartener, and Elli was sooo excited to stay all day as a first grader. As you can judge by the picture, Sam would love to be in school. He got right in line with the kids, and didn't enjoy being pulled out. He stayed and waved to each one as they exited the gym!
Janie was pretty shocked that not ALL of her classmates had to wear school shoes (ugly brown mary-janes that mom thinks look the best) as I had told her they would be. Shame on those other mothers! Now what leverage do I have against her black sparkly ones? Or the black wedge heeled ones?
As I left the building with the two little ones (22 months and 3 months) it made me laugh to think I was right back to where I started a few years ago when it was just the girls and I. Some days I thought they would never leave for school (So that I could relax or go shopping by myself.) Today, I feel happy that I'm not alone. I hope the next five years don't go quite as fast...