Great Memories of Life with my Dad:
- Mickey Mouse pancakes on Saturday mornings
- "Trying" to keep all the women in your life organized - taking monthly trips to each of our desks to clean them out - I can still hear Jodi screaming!
- Jodi and I coloring in our seats at the ballparks as you worked to fulfill your dream of visiting every stadium in the U.S. - and keeping us engaged by buying Jodi pennants and me sun visors at each stop (Why would I have liked wearing sun visors????).
- Listening to you talk your way through making Grandma's jello salad every Thanksgiving Eve - and having you take the grinder down to your workbench in the basement so that you wouldn't "Nick the Table"
- Rolling Jodi and I around the yard in your army barrel - I wish I could still fit in that thing!
- Your flare for the dramatic when you get an injury - "Ahhhhh, paper cut, I'll be alright!" Knowing that every scratch that was ever inflicted on your body, was going to have to be observed by all of us on NUMEROUS occasions until it was healed - "Hey Heidi, have I showed you where Clifford's leash scratched me?
- Playing hours of croquet with you in our front yard.
- Listening to you count your swimming "laps" every time you pushed you way to the other side of our very small pool.
- Knowing that if you ever had any criticism for someone, you always ended with a compliment.
- The summer you made a chart to regulate Jodi and my social life - "You can go out 3 nights per week, have friends over 2 nights per week, and the rest will be spent enjoying our family."
- The contract you made Jodi and I sign saying we wouldn't turn the car radio volume up past a certain number.
- All the wonderful trips you took us on in the pop-up camper - some of the best times of my childhood!
There are so many more, I could go on forever . Happy Father's Day, Dad! I love you so much!