I am a bit behind, but last weekend, Sam and I headed to Aunt Judy's for a Heritage reunion of sorts. Uncle Bob was the master chef, and we all sat around and ate wonderful food and caught up on each other's lives. It was great!
Elli found a frog at Nathan's soccer game last night. When she woke up this morning, she discovered "Hannah" had escaped. She sprung into action and made a bunch of these signs to hang up around the neighborhood.
I covered up our telephone number in photoshop - nervous about putting it out on the web.
Like the shoes? Sam attended one of Nathan's playoff games tonight, and I thought he should dress appropriately.
Sam loves to pull up on everything now, and it causes quite a bit of trouble at bedtime - he doesn't know how to get back down. Tonight I found him standing in his crib with big tears streaming down his face - it was so sad!
He now has two bottom teeth, and LOVES to chew on the end of the Tylenol bottle. He holds it all the time.
We spent a few days last week at Aunt Joni's family ranch in Oklahoma. We had such a great time relaxing, feeding the cows, collecting cow skeletons (Elli - she brought one over to a cow so that it wouldn't be lonely - as if it wanted its dead friend for company :)
We also enjoyed riding the four-wheelers all over the property. We even stopped to have a "Cookie Picnic" with uncle Stan along the way.Notice how Janie is so excited to share her cookie with me?
The girls slept in the beautiful loft overlooking the dining room/kitchen. They could climb a ladder to get there, or use the secret passage way in the bathroom. One morning they enjoyed pancakes and strawberries up there!